Hypoxia promotes liver-stage malaria infection in primary human hepatocytes in vitro
S. Ng, S. March, A. Galstian, K. Hanson, T. Carvalho, M. M. Mota and S. N. Bhatia
Dis Model Mech (2014)
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Weighing nanoparticles in solution at the attogram scale
S. Olcum, N. Cermak, S. C. Wasserman, K. S. Christine, H. Atsumi, K. R. Payer, W. Shen, J. Lee, A. M. Belcher, S. N. Bhatia, S. R. Manalis
PNAS (2014)
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Micropatterned Cell–Cell Interactions Enable Functional Encapsulation of Primary Hepatocytes in Hydrogel Microtissues
C. Y. Li, K. R. Stevens, R. E. Schwartz, B. S. Alejandro, J. H. Huang, S. N. Bhatia
Tissue Eng. Part A (2014)
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Pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells
R.E. Schwartz, H.E. Fleming, S.R. Khetani, S.N. Bhatia
Bioetchnol. Adv. (2014)
Manuscript (PDF)
Point-of-care diagnostics for noncommunicable diseases using synthetic urinary biomarkers and paper microfluidics
A. D. Warren, G. A. Kwong, D. K. Wood, K. Y. Lin, S. N. Bhatia
PNAS (2014)
Manuscript (PDF)
Macro-to-Micro Interface for the Control of Cellular Organization
E. E. Hui, C. Li, A. Agrawal, S. N. Bhatia
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (2014)
Manuscript (PDF)
Cell and tissue engineering for liver disease
S. N. Bhatia, G. H. Underhill, K. S. Zaret, I. J. Fox
Science Translational Medicine (2014)
Manuscript (PDF)
Mechanisms of cooperation in cancer nanomedicine: towards systems nanotechnology
S. Hauert, S.N. Bhatia
Trends Biotechnology (2014)
Manuscript (PDF)
Modeling host interactions with hepatitis B virus using primary and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocellular systems.
A. Shlomai, R. E. Schwartz, V. Ramanan, A. Bhatta, Y. P. de Jong, S. N. Bhatia, C. M. Rice
PNAS (2014)
Manuscript (PDF)
Microfluidic organs-on-chips
S. N. Bhatia, D. E. Ingber
Nature Biotechnology (2014)
Manuscript (PDF)

Self-titrating anticoagulant nanocomplexes that restore homeostatic regulation of the coagulation cascade.
K. Y. Lin, J. H. Lo, N. Consul, G. A. Kwong, S. N. Bhatia
ACS Nano (2014)
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Deep, noninvasive imaging and surgical guidance of submillimeter tumors using targeted M13-stabilized single-walled carbon nanotubes
D. Ghosh, A. F. Bagley, Y. J. Na, M. J. Birrer, S. N. Bhatia, A. M. Belcher
PNAS (2014)
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Disease detection by ultrasensitive quantification of microdosed synthetic urinary biomarkers.
A. D. Warren, S. T. Gaylord, K. C. Ngan, M. Dumont Milutinovic, G. A. Kwong, S. N. Bhatia, D. R. Walt
J Am Chem Soc (2014)
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Drug-induced amplification of nanoparticle targeting to tumors
K. Y. Lin, E. J. Kwon, J. H. Lo, S. N. Bhatia
Nano Today (2014)
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Host cell phosphatidylcholine is a key mediator of malaria parasite survival during liver stage infection
M. A. Itoe, J. L. Sampaio, G. G. Cabal, E. Real, V. Zuzarte-Luis, S. March, S. N. Bhatia, F. Frischknecht, C. Thiele, A. Shevchenko, M. M. Mota
Cell Host Microbe (2014)
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New Methods in Tissue Engineering: Improved Models for Viral Infection
V. Ramanan, M. A. Scull, T. P. Sheahan, C. M. Rice, and S. N. Bhatia.
Annu. Rev. Virol. (2014)
Manuscript (PDF)