
In vitro culture, drug sensitivity, and transcriptome of plasmodium vivax hypnozoites
N. Gural, L. Mancio-Silva, A.B. Miller, A. Galstian, V.L. Butty, S.S. Levine, R. Patrapuvich, S.P. Desai, S.A. Mikolajczak, S.H.I. Kappe, H.E. Fleming, S. March, J. Sattabongkot, and S.N. Bhatia
Cell Host & Microbe (2018)
Manuscript (PDF), Supporting information (PDF)

Engineering synthetic breath biomarkers for respiratory disease
L.W. Chan, M.N. Anahtar, T.-H. Ong, K.E. Hern, R.R. Kunz, and S.N. Bhatia
Nature Nanotechnology (2020)
Manuscript (PDF), Supporting Information (PDF)