Lab culture
From the last day in lab before starting our COVID-19 required shutdown. (March 2020)
Our triumphant return back to lab as MIT re-opened following lockdown (June 2020)
Where we're from (click to view in Google Maps)
An ongoing series titled "Great Minds Think Alike", portraying lab members accidentally twinning at work.
Three recent PhD graduates celebrating at HST's virtual graduation ceremony. (May 2020)
Our group costume of "Lab Fears" at the Koch Institute annual retreat.
All dressed up at the wedding of one of our previous lab technicians.
Supporting Sue at her band's concert 🤘
Members of our lab as a quenched peptide at the annual Koch Institute retreat.
Friends who get flu shots together stay together (and healthy!)
At our lab retreat (2019)
LMRT's first virtual defense for Jesse! Around 100 people tuned in, it was awesome! (2020)
One of our many karoke outings.
A break with friends in San Diego while visiting collaborators at UCSD.
Cooking at the LMRT retreat (2014)
That time we invented pods before they were a thing (Retreat 2019)
Happy faces from the LMRT holiday party (2014)
F1 Racing at the LMRT retreat (2010)
Whale watching! (2007)
Wreckage from the Jimmy Fund's Scooper Bowl (2006)
At our lab retreat (2019)
A joint lunch between our lab and the Chen lab at BU
Our 2012 retreat to do improv
Designs for the customized mugs we all designed for eachother (2019)
Hiking in the White Mountains